19th Amendment Mural
Our local muralist Tony Segale from the Double Dip Gallery has finally begun the 19th Amendment Mural Project in Downtown Lodi on the south side of the parking garage. We are so excited to see this long-planned project come to life. A big thanks to Tony Segale, the Lodi Arts Commission, Lodi City Council, and us here at the Lodi Arts Foundation! 🎨
Pre-Covid, we’d planned an exciting event where local women of all creeds could join together and celebrate the long-awaited (though unequally distributed) right of women to vote. Unfortunately, our triumphant march through downtown was cancelled due to Covid but our spirit of celebration remains steadfast as always!
If you’d like to be involved in painting the mural (and donating to Lodi Arts), send us an email and we’ll get you on the list!